
eko Core

The InterludePlayer class is the core interface for Eko‘s interactive video experiences. InterludePlayer provides the basic functionality you’d expect from any video player (play, pause, volume, etc.) as well as unique features that work out of the box, such as dynamic video stream generation, real-time stream switching, and adaptive streaming.

The basic idea behind interactive video is creating a continuous video stream out of smaller chunks of video known as nodes.
InterludePlayer allows playing back nodes in sequence via the playlist array. The playlist array allows you to dynamically push nodes for playback during playback, essentially creating a video stream on the fly. Nodes must be registered with the repository before you can push them into the playlist.

Adaptive bitrate and cross platform support come standard with InterludePlayer.
Our encoding process creates multiple representations for each source video enabling it to be played across different platforms, devices and network conditions. Each video node is represented by an IVD (Interlude Video Descriptor) file, which is a JSON-based format that describes all the different representations.

InterludePlayer offers a simple but comprehensive plugin system, allowing you to extend the player’s functionality with reusable code.
You can use pre-existing plugins or write your own using the InterludePlayer.registerPlugin() and player.initPlugin() methods. The plugin system also supports interdependencies between plugins.

new InterludePlayer(el, [options])

Constructs an InterludePlayer instance.

Returns: InterludePlayer - A player instance.

Param Type Description
el Element | string The container element to be used by player, or a DOM selector string for the container element.
[options] object Optional configuration object for player initialization. See options.


const player = new InterludePlayer('#playerContainer', {
    autoplay: true,
    scaling: 'boxing',
    plugins: {
        audio: {
            // ...
// ...;

Constructor Options

options : object

The second argument of the InterludePlayer constructor.

options.engines : Array.<string>

Array of strings, engines to choose from, sorted by descending priority.
Currently available engines:

  • msevid
  • jabba
  • rancor

Default: ['msevid', 'jabba', 'rancor']
See: supportedEngines, engine

options.autoplay : boolean

If true, will attempt to automatically begin playback as soon as video content is ready.
Note that not all platforms/browsers/devices support autoplay.

Default: false
See: mutedAutoplayEnabled

// playerOptions.json
    "autoplay": true

options.muted : boolean

If true, playback will begin muted.

Default: false

// playerOptions.json
    "muted": true

options.mutedAutoplayEnabled : boolean

On some devices/browsers, autoplay is not supported unless audio is muted.
Setting this to true (default), enables the muted autoplay feature (will autoplay without audio until audio playback is unlocked by user gesture).
A false setting would mean that we would only autoplay if current environment supports autoplaying with unmuted audio.
Note that when autoplay is set to false, this setting would still apply - calling play without user gesture will start muted playback if audio is locked.

Default: true
See: autoplay, isAudioLocked, forceAudioLocked

// playerOptions.json
    "autoplay": true,
    "mutedAutoplayEnabled": false

options.forceAudioLocked : boolean

If true, player would force the audio locked experience (i.e. require user interaction prior to audio playback), even if the current environment would allow us to start audio playback without a user interaction.
Setting this to true would cause isAudioLocked to initially return true on all platforms/environments, until a user interaction is detected on the page.

Default: false
See: mutedAutoplayEnabled, isAudioLocked

// playerOptions.json
    "forceAudioLocked": true

options.minCanplayBuffer : number

Minimum media buffered (in seconds) afterwhich player will trigger the canplay event.
If autoplay was set to true, playback will only begin once minCanplayBuffer seconds were buffered.
In the event that playlist does not contain minCanplayBuffer seconds, the canplay event will be triggered once the entire playlist is fully buffered.

Default: 3
See: canplay, buffered

// playerOptions.json
    "minCanplayBuffer": 15

options.initialBitrate : number

The initial bitrate value (prior to first actual measurement of network bandwidth) in bits-per-second.
This will affect the chosen reprensentation for the first node in the playlist.
The default value is dynamic - it’s a best guess derived from the available APIs on current environment.


// playerOptions.json
    "initialBitrate": 3500000 // 3.5 Mbps

options.ivdMediaBaseUrl : object | string

Base url (protocol + host) to be forced for all IVD media files.
If a string is given, that value is set for all media URLs.
Also supports map objects of the form {cdnName1: baseUrl1, cdnName2: baseUrl2}.
When a map object is given, the player will choose the fastest CDN and its base url will be set for all subsequent videos.

Default: null

// playerOptions.json
    "ivdMediaBaseUrl": {
        "cf": "//",
        "fastly": ""

options.scaling : string

The video scaling method used to scale the video within its container. Supported values are:

  • panAndScan - Default. Will zoom and crop video to fill dimensions while maintaining aspect ratio.
    If too much of the frame would be cropped, will fallback to boxing (configurable, see panAndScanMinVisibleWidth and panAndScanMinVisibleHeight).
  • boxing - Fits within dimensions while maintaining aspect ratio (letterboxing / pillarboxing).

Default: "panAndScan"

// playerOptions.json
    "scaling": "boxing"

options.panAndScanMinVisibleWidth : number

The minimum visible percentage of video width (number in the range [0, 1]).
When scaling is set to panAndScan, this value controls at which point the fallback to boxing occurs.
For example, with default value 0.7 (70%), player will fallback to boxing if more than 30% of the video frame width would be cropped by panAndScan.

Default: 0.7

options.panAndScanMinVisibleHeight : number

The minimum visible percentage of video height (number in the range [0, 1]).
When scaling is set to panAndScan, this value controls at which point the fallback to boxing occurs.
For example, with default value 0.7 (70%), player will fallback to boxing if more than 30% of the video frame height would be cropped by panAndScan.

Default: 0.7

options.fullscreenOrientation : string

Will lock orientation when entering fullscreen via player.requestFullscreen.
See Screen Orientation API spec for supported values:
To disable orientation locking, set to a falsey value.
Note: only applies to devices/browsers that support the Fullscreen API and the Screen Orientation API.

Default: "landscape"

// playerOptions.json
    "fullscreenOrientation": "portrait"

options.fullscreenOptions : object

A default FullscreenOptions object which will be passed on to the Element.requestFullscreen() call when invoking player.requestFullscreen().

Default: { navigationUI: "hide" }

// playerOptions.json
    "fullscreenOptions": {
        "navigationUI": "show"

options.containerStyle : object

A map of CSS style attributes to be applied to the player container DOM element.
The player container element is the DOM element provided as the first argument to the InterludePlayer constructor.

Default: {'background-color': 'black', 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat', 'background-position': 'center', 'background-image': 'none'}

options.plugins : object

A map of plugins to initialize.
Keys are plugin names, values are options objects to pass to the plugin.
This object is the same as you would use for the initPlugin method (using the map object variant).

Default: null

// playerOptions.json
    "plugins": {
        "subtitles": {},
        "audio": {
            "sounds": [{
                "id": "soundtrack",
                "src": [
                "volume": 1.0,
                "loop": true,
                "fadeInDuration": 3

options.envOptions : object

The envOptions object contains environment-specific overrides for player options.
At runtime, the player looks for an envOptions object whose key is‘s value.
You can also force the environment using the top-level env option.

Default: null
See: env,

// playerOptions.json
    // Common options for all environments

    "minCanplayBuffer": 10,
    "initialBitrate": 3500000,

    // Env specific overrides

    "envOptions": {
        "ios": {
            "initialBitrate": 1000000
        "android": {
            "initialBitrate": 2000000
        "myCustomEnv": {
            "initialBitrate": 4500000

options.env : string

Force a specific envOptions to be used.
If no value given, the value of will be used.

See: envOptions

// playerOptions.json
    // Common options for all environments

    "minCanplayBuffer": 10,
    "initialBitrate": 3500000,

    // Env specific overrides

    "env": "myCustomEnv",
    "envOptions": {
        "ios": {
            "initialBitrate": 1000000
        "android": {
            "initialBitrate": 2000000

        // This object will be used, since "env" value was given
        "myCustomEnv": {
            "initialBitrate": 4500000


InterludePlayer.version : string

The InterludePlayer’s version string.


console.log(`The player version is ${InterludePlayer.version}`);

InterludePlayer.ivdVersion : object

The minimum and the latest IVD version that InterludePlayer supports. Returns an object that includes minimum and latest properties, their value is a string.


console.log(`The minimum supported IVD version is ${InterludePlayer.ivdVersion.minimum}`);
console.log(`The latest supported IVD version is ${InterludePlayer.ivdVersion.latest}`);

InterludePlayer.environment : object

An object which contains information about the current environment, such as browser, os and more.

Param Type Description
name string The environment name. Current values are “desktop”, “ios”, “android” or “windows” (for non-desktop Windows devices).
queryParams object An object that contains all the query string params parsed from the page’s URL. Note that the values are also parsed so they can have different types (e.g. string, array, boolean, number).
isTouchEnabled boolean True if touch events are supported on current environment, false otherwise.
browser object An object containing information about the current browser. string Browser name.
browser.version string Browser full version string.
browser.major string Browser major version string.
os object An object containing information about the current operating system. string Operating system’s name.
os.version string Operating system’s full version string.


const env = InterludePlayer.environment;
console.log(`You are using ${} on ${}`);

InterludePlayer.registeredPlugins : object

Returns all the plugins that were registered, names and versions.
This is a superset of initedPlugins.

See: registerPlugin, initedPlugins

console.log(InterludePlayer.registeredPlugins); // {audio: '0.0.6', canvas: '0.0.4', ...}

player.version : string

The player’s version.


console.log(`The player version is ${player.version}`);

player.options : object

An object containing read-only properties of the options used to initiate the player instance.
The values are either the defaults defined by options, or values overridden by the 2nd constructor argument.
For a list of available properties, see options.

See: options

console.log(`The player instance is using "${player.options.scaling}" scaling.`);

player.volume : number

The audio volume, from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (loudest).
Setting this value will change the volume and cause a volumechange event to be triggered.

See: volumechange

player.volume = 0.5;
console.log(player.volume); // 0.5

player.muted : boolean

True if the audio is muted, and false otherwise.

See: volumechange

player.muted = true; // Will mute the audio
player.muted = false; // Will unmute the audio
if (!player.muted && player.volume > 0) {
    // Do something

player.isAudioLocked : boolean

On some devices/browsers, user gesture is required in order to unlock audio playback.
This property would be true if audio playback is currently locked and requires a user gesture.

See: audiolockedchange, mutedAutoplayEnabled

player.once('playing', function() {
    if (player.isAudioLocked) {
        // Show muted overlay button

    player.once('audiolockedchange', function() {
        if (!player.isAudioLocked) {
            // Hide muted overlay button

player.videoWidth : number

The intrinsic width of the video in pixels. Returns 0 if this data is not yet available.

See: resize

console.log(`Video dimensions: ${player.videoWidth}x${player.videoHeight}`);

player.videoHeight : number

The intrinsic height of the video in pixels. Returns 0 if this data is not yet available.

See: resize

console.log(`Video dimensions: ${player.videoWidth}x${player.videoHeight}`);

player.isAutoplayExpected : boolean

Will be true if autoplay option was set and current environment potentially supports autoplay.
If autoplay option is not set, or if the current environment does not support autoplay, the value will be false.
Note that a true value does not necessarily mean player will autoplay, as some environments may not allow it.
However, a value of false necessarily means that the player will not autoplay.

See: autoplay, mutedAutoplayEnabled

player.containerWidth : number

The width (in pixels) of player container element.

See: container, containerresize

console.log(`Player container size is: ${player.containerWidth}x${player.containerHeight}`);

player.containerHeight : number

The height (in pixels) of player container element.

See: container, containerresize

console.log(`Player container size is: ${player.containerWidth}x${player.containerHeight}`);

player.container : Element

The DOM element that contains the player.

See: containerWidth, containerHeight

// Resize the player container to 1920x1080 = '1920px'; = '1080px';

player.paused : boolean

Indicates whether the video is currently paused.

See: play, pause

function togglePlayPause() {
    if (player.paused) {;
    } else {

player.duration : number

The duration of the playlist in seconds, or 0 if empty.

See: durationchange, currentTime

// Return the normalized current time (Number between 0.0 to 1.0)
function normalizedCurrentTime() {
    return player.currentTime / player.duration;

player.currentTime : number

The current playback time, in seconds. Setting this value seeks the video to the new time.

See: timeupdate, duration

player.currentTime = 0; // Seek to start of playlist

player.buffered : number

The number of seconds of media buffered out of playlist’s duration.
This number will always be equal or greater than currentTime, and will never be greater than duration.

See: currentTime, duration

let bufferAhead = player.buffered - player.currentTime;
console.log(`There are ${bufferAhead} seconds buffered ahead of current playback position.`);

let playlistIsFullyLoaded = player.duration === player.buffered;
if (playlistIsFullyLoaded) {
    console.log('Playlist is fully loaded/buffered.');
} else {
    console.log('Playlist is not yet fully loaded/buffered.');

player.currentNode : Node

The current node being played back. If playlist is empty, value is null.



player.currentNodeId : string

The current node’s unique ID. If playlist is empty, value is an empty string.

See: currentNode

if (player.currentNodeId === 'node_myNodeId') {
    // Do something

player.currentNodeIndex : number

The current node’s playlist index (zero based). Setting this value seeks the media to the requested playlist index.

See: currentNode

player.currentNodeIndex = 3; // Seeks to 4th node in playlist

player.currentNodeTimeOffset : number

The time offest (in seconds) of current node relative to playlist start. If playlist is empty, value is 0.

See: currentNode

player.currentNodeDuration : number

The current node duration in seconds. If playlist is empty, value is 0.

See: currentNode

player.currentNodeTime : number

The current node elapsed time in seconds since node start. If playlist is empty, value is 0.

See: currentNode

player.currentNodeRemainingTime : number

The current node remaining time in seconds until node end. If playlist is empty, value is 0.

See: currentNode

player.engine : string

A string representation of the currently selected video playback engine.

See: engines, supportedEngines

player.isFullscreen : boolean

Is the player currently in fullscreen mode?

See: requestFullscreen, exitFullscreen, fullscreenchange

if (player.isFullscreen) {

player.initedPlugins : object

Returns all the plugins that were initialized, names and versions.
This is a subset of registeredPlugins.

See: initPlugin, registeredPlugins, plugininit, pluginInited

console.log(player.initiedPlugins); // {control: '0.0.1', decision: '0.0.2', ...}

player.currentChannel : number

A readonly alias for the current node’s current video channel (certain special nodes, known as parallel nodes, contain more than one video channel).
This API is being deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming version, please use player.currentNode.currentVideoTrackIndex instead.

player.reduxStore : object

A Redux store instance, containing the state of the player and some plugins.
This may be used for binding React components to player/plugins state, and is used to power the UI plugin.

See: Redux, playerReduxState


InterludePlayer.registerPlugin(name, fn, [options])

Statically registers a plugin for later use with InterludePlayer instances.

See: initPlugin

Param Type Description
name string The plugin’s name.
fn pluginInitFunction The plugin initialization function. It will be executed whenever an InterludePlayer instance initializes this plugin.
[options] object | boolean An optional options object. If a boolean is given, it will apply to the autoInit option.
[options.autoInit] boolean If true, plugin will be initialized automatically whenever a new player instance is created. Default: false.
[options.version] string The version of the plugin. Default: '0.0.0'.
[options.deps] Array.<string> | Array.<object> An array of plugin dependencies (other plugins that must be initialized before initializing this plugin). Default: [] (empty array). Each item in the array can either be a string (plugin name), or an object.
[options.deps[].name] string Required. The name of the plugin this plugin depends on.
[options.deps[].version] string Optional. Default 0.0.0. The minimum required version of the plugin (a semver string).
[options.deps[].optional] boolean | string Optional. Default false. Whether or not this is an optional dependency.
Possible values:
false - Default. The dependency is manadatory - plugin initialization will fail if dependency is not found.
true - Dependency is optional - initializing this plugin will not fail if dependency was not found.
'orderonly' - Dependency is optional - dependency will be initialized first, but only if explicitly requested on the same call to initPlugin.
[options.redux] object Optional. An options object for plugins that wish to participate in the redux state.
[options.redux.reducer] function Required. A redux reducer function to be registered with the reduxStore. The state given as the first argument to the reducer is a part of the global state, under its own namespace (i.e. player.reduxStore.getState().myPluginName). The reducer is only resposible for its part of the global state. Make sure to follow redux’s best practices when implementing a reducer.


InterludePlugin.registerPlugin('myPlugin', function(ctx, options) {...}, {
    autoInit: false,
    version: '1.0.3',
    deps: [
            name: 'yetAnotherPlugin',
            version: '2.0.0',
            optional: false
player.initPlugin('myPlugin', {});

InterludePlayer.isSupported() ⇒ boolean

Checks whether InterludePlayer is supported on current environment and returns a boolean value.

Returns: boolean - True if InterludePlayer is supported on current environment, false otherwise.

if (!InterludePlayer.isSupported()) {
    console.log('Oh no! InterluePlayer is not supported on current env...');

InterludePlayer.isDeviceSupported() ⇒ boolean

Checks whether InterludePlayer is supported on current device.
This is slightly different from isSupported, since the player might be supported on device, but not on current environment/browser.

Returns: boolean - True if InterludePlayer is supported on current device, false otherwise.

if (InterludePlayer.isSupported()) {
    const player = new InterludePlayer('#playerContainer');
    // ...
} else if (InterludePlayer.isDeviceSupported()) {
    alert('Download Chrome!');

InterludePlayer.supportedEngines() ⇒ Array.<string>

Checks which video playback engines are supported on current environment.

Returns: Array.<string> - Array of supported engine names. An empty array means that InterludePlayer is not supported on current environment.
Possible values include:

  • msevid
  • jabba
  • rancor
    See: engines, engine
    const engines = InterludePlayer.supportedEngines();
    engines.forEach(engineName => {
      console.log(`Current environment supports engine "${engineName}"`);

player.addReduxMiddleware : object

Param Type Description
the object dynamic middleware object

player.on(evt, listener)

Adds a listener function to the specified event.
The listener will not be added if it is a duplicate.
If the listener returns true then it will be removed after it is called.
If you pass a regular expression as the event name then the listener will be added to all events that match it.
To add a listener for a specific event you can use its name (i.e. 'nodestart'), or you can use the events object (i.e.

See: once, off, trigger

Param Type Description
evt string | RegExp Name of the event to attach the listener to.
listener function Method to be called when the event is triggered. If the function returns true, then it will be removed after calling.


player.on('nodestart', (node, index) => {
     console.log(`Node "${}" at playlist index ${index} started.`);
player.on(, (node, index) => {
     console.log(`Node "${}" at playlist index ${index} ended.`);

player.once(evt, listener)

Semi-alias of on.
It will add a listener that will be automatically removed after its first execution.

See: on, off, trigger

Param Type Description
evt string | RegExp Name of the event to attach the listener to.
listener function Method to be called when the event is triggered., listener)

Removes a listener function from the specified event.
When passed a regular expression as the event name, it will remove the listener from all events that match it.

See: on, once, trigger

Param Type Description
evt string | RegExp Name of the event to remove the listener from.
listener function Method to remove from the event.


Triggers an event of your choice.
When triggered, every listener attached to that event will be executed.
If you pass the optional arguments, they will be passed to every listener upon execution.
You can trigger and listen to your own custom events.

See: on, once, off

Param Type Description
evt string | RegExp Name of the event to emit and execute listeners for.
[…args] * Optional arguments to be passed to each listener.


player.on('myproject.myevent', function(firstArg, secondArg) {
     console.log('This is an handler function to my event!', firstArg, secondArg);
player.trigger('myproject.myevent', firstArg, secondArg);

Begins video playback.

See: pause


Pauses video playback.

See: play, paused, pause


player.isFullscreenSupported() ⇒ boolean

Returns whether or not the full-screen API is supported on current environment.
Will return false if player is embedded in an iframe (or iframe hierarchy) which is missing the allowfullscreen attribute.

Returns: boolean - True if fullscreen is supported on current environment, false otherwise.
See: requestFullscreen

if (player.isFullscreenSupported()) {;
} else {


Asynchronously requests that the player be made full-screen.
It’s not guaranteed that the player will be put into full-screen mode.
Note that on some browsers/devices, this will not work unless call stack originated with user interaction.

See: isFullscreenSupported, exitFullscreen, fullscreenchange

Param Type Description
[options] object Optional. A FullscreenOptions object that will be passed on to Element.requestFullscreen(). If not given, fullscreenOptions will be used.


if (player.isFullscreenSupported()) {


Takes the player out of full-screen mode.

See: requestFullscreen, fullscreenchange


player.initPlugin(name, [options]) ⇒ boolean

Initializes a plugin that was previously statically registered.
There are two ways to invoke this function.
The simple form accepts 2 arguments, name and options.
Another way, is to pass a single map object, with plugin names as keys, and options objects as values (this allows initializing several plugins with a single call).

Returns: boolean - True if successfully initialized, false otherwise.
See: registerPlugin, registeredPlugins, initedPlugins, plugininit, pluginInited

Param Type Description
name string | object Plugin’s name (string) or a map object with plugin names as keys and options as values.
[options] object Optional configuration object to pass to plugin initialization function (only applies if first argument was a string).


player.initPlugin('myPlugin', {});
// OR
player.initPlugin({myPlugin: {}});

player.pluginInited(name) ⇒ Promise

Returns a promise that resolves once a plugin has been successfully initialized.
Also supports multiple arguments.

Returns: Promise - A promise that resolves once plugin has been successfully initialized.
See: initPlugin, initedPlugins, plugininit

Param Type Description
name string Plugin’s name.
[…name] string Optional. Additional plugin names.


player.pluginInited('myPlugin', 'myOtherPlugin').then(function() {
    // We will only execute this after 'myPlugin' and 'myOtherPlugin' have been initialized


Appends a node to the end of stream.
This is similar to the playlist.push method.

Param Type Description
node string | Node Node object or node id (which was previously added to repository).


player.append('myNodeId');, [offset])

Immediately seek to given node. By default, seeks to the beginning of the node (unless an offset argument was given).
In practice, this will push the node to the playlist, and seek to it (i.e. via currentTime setter).

Param Type Description
node string | Node Node object or node id (which was previously added to repository).
[offset] number Optional offset (in seconds) from beginning of node. If a negative value is given, it will be used as offset from end of node. This will fail if requested offset is too close to end of node (allow at least 2 seconds before end of node, see playlistcritical).

Example'myNodeId');        // Will push 'myNodeId' into playlist and seek to it'myNodeId', 10);    // Will push 'myNodeId' into playlist and seek to 10 seconds within the node'myNodeId', -10);   // Will push 'myNodeId' into playlist and seek to 10 seconds before the end of the node


Immediately switch to another audio/video track on the current parallel node.
The method accepts either a avTracksObj object, a numeric index to switch to (may throw error if out of range), or the special string values next or prev.

Param Type Description
value avTracksObj | number | string An object describing which audio and video tracks to switch to. A numeric value would switch both audio and video tracks and must be in the range [0, Math.max(player.currentNode.audioTracksCount, player.currentNode.videoTracksCount)]. Special string values next and prev are also accepted.


player.on('switching', function() { console.log('Starting channel switching'); })
player.on('switched',  function() { console.log('Completed channel switch'); })



Triggered when the time indicated by the player’s currentTime attribute has changed.
During playback, timeupdate is triggered every ~250 milliseconds.

See: currentTime


Triggered when the total playlist duration has changed (i.e. due to a node being pushed to the playlist).

See: duration

Param Type Description
newDuration number The new duration in seconds.


Triggered when the audio volume changes (i.e. the volume is set or the muted property is changed).

See: volume

Param Type Description
volumeObj object An object containing the current volume, muted and isAudioLocked state.
volumeObj.volume number The current volume.
volumeObj.muted boolean The muted state.
volumeObj.isAudioLocked boolean The isAudioLocked state.


Triggered when the value of isAudioLocked changes.

See: isAudioLocked, mutedAutoplayEnabled


Triggered when the first frame of the media has finished loading.


Triggered when the media begins to play (either for the first time, after having been paused/waiting, or after restarting).

See: play


Triggered when the requested operation (such as playback) is delayed pending the completion of another operation (such as a seek/buffering).


Triggered when player buffered enough media to begin playback.

Param Type Description
buffered number The duration of buffered media in seconds.
isAutoplayExpected boolean Is the video expected to start automatically playing? See isAutoplayExpected.


Triggered when player cannot buffer any media until a user interaction/gesture is performed.


Triggered when play is called.

See: play


Triggered when playback is paused (following a pause call).

See: pause, paused


Triggered when playlist playback completes.

See: playlistcritical


Triggered when the player is switched to/out-of fullscreen mode.

See: requestFullscreen, exitFullscreen

Param Type Description
isFullscreen boolean True if we switched to fullscreen, false otherwise.


Triggered when a channel switch was completed.

See: switch

Param Type Description
previousTracks avTracksObj The previous audio and video tracks
currentTracks avTracksObj The current audio and video tracks


Triggered when a channel switch was requested.

See: switch

Param Type Description
currentTracks avTracksObj The current audio and video tracks
requestedTracks avTracksObj The requested audio and video tracks


Triggered when a seek operation begins.

See: currentTime


Triggered when a seek operation completes.
If a seek was unsuccessful, an error event will be triggered instead.

See: currentTime

Param Type Description
currentTime number Player’s currentTime after seek was completed.
index number Current node’s playlist index (0 based).
currentNodeTimeOffset number See currentNodeTimeOffset.


Triggered when node playback has started.

See: Node

Param Type Description
node Node The node that’s currently playing. See currentNode.
index number The node’s playlist index (0 based).


Triggered when node playback has completed.

See: Node

Param Type Description
node Node The node that just ended.
index number The node’s playlist index (0 based).


Triggered when playback reached a critical point and no next node has been pushed to playlist.
If no node is pushed in response to playlistcritical, the ended event will be triggered once current node’s playback is complete.

See: playlist, ended

Param Type Description
node Node The node that’s currently playing. See currentNode.
index number The node’s playlist index (0 based).


Triggered when an error occurred.
If no listeners were attached to the error event, error will be thrown instead.

Param Type Description
err Error | string Error object or message.


Triggered when an error of severity warning occurred.

Param Type Description
err Error Error object.


Triggered following a playlist.reset() call.

See: playlist


Triggered when playlist.push() was called.
If multiple nodes were pushed, each node will trigger this event.

See: playlist

Param Type Description
node Node The node that was pushed to playlist.
index number The node’s playlist index (0 based).


Triggered when a plugin was successfully initialized, following a initPlugin call.
You can also register an event handler for a specific plugin’s initialization, by appending its name to the event name.

See: initPlugin

Param Type Description
name string The plugin’s name.
version string The plugin’s version.


player.on('plugininit', function(name, version) {
    if (name === 'myPlugin')  {
// OR
player.on('plugininitmyPlugin', function(name, version) {


Triggered when player container element is resized.

See: container, containerWidth, containerHeight

Param Type Description
width number The new containerWidth (in pixels).
height number The new containerHeight (in pixels).


Triggered when one or both of the videoWidth and videoHeight attributes have just been updated.

See: videoWidth, videoHeight

Param Type Description
width number The new videoWidth (in pixels).
height number The new videoHeight (in pixels).


Triggered when QoE score is updated.

See: qoe, score

Param Type Description
score number The new score.


Triggered when QoE status is updated.

See: qoe, status

Param Type Description
status string The new status.


avTracksObj : object

The argument to the switch method.
An object consisting of audio and video properties.

See: switch

Param Type Description
[] number | string Optional. 0-based index of audio track to switch to. Should be in the range [0, player.currentNode.audioTracksCount - 1]. Special string values 'prev' and 'next' are also accepted. If omitted, switch will retain current audio track.
[] number | string Optional. 0-based index of video track to switch to. Should be in the range [0, player.currentNode.videoTracksCount - 1]. Special string values 'prev' and 'next' are also accepted. If omitted, switch will retain current video track.


    audio: 0,
    video: 3

environmentReduxState : object

Environment redux state sub-object (i.e. player.reduxStore.getState().environment).

See: reduxStore

// player.reduxStore.getState().environment
    // The environment name.
    // Current values are "desktop", "ios", "android" or "windows" (for non-desktop Windows devices).
    "name": "desktop",

    // An object that contains all the query string params parsed from the page’s URL.
    // Note that the values are also parsed so they can have different types
    // (e.g. string, array, boolean, number).
    "queryParams": {
        "autoplay": true,
        "debug": "events"

    // True if touch events are supported on current environment, false otherwise.
    "isTouchEnabled": false,

    // An object containing information about the current browser.
    "browser": {
        "name": "Chrome",
        "version": "80.0.3987.116",
        "major": "80"

    // An object containing information about the current operating system.
    "os": {
        "name": "Windows",
        "version": "10"

playerReduxState : object

Player’s redux state sub-object (i.e. player.reduxStore.getState().player).

See: reduxStore

// player.reduxStore.getState().player
    // Audio Props

    volume: 1.0,
    muted: false,

    // Playback State Props

    isPlaying: false,
    isPaused: true,
    isSeeking: false,
    isWaiting: false,
    isEnded: false,
    isFullscreen: false,
    isAudioLocked: true,

    // Current Node Related Props

    currentNodeId: '',
    currentVideoTrackIndex: 0,
    currentAudioTrackIndex: 0,
    isCurrentNodeParallel: false,
    currentNodeTime: 0,
    currentNodeDuration: 0,
    currentNodeProgress: 0,
    currentNodeRemainingTime: 0,

    // Container Dimensions (px)

    containerWidth: 0,
    containerHeight: 0,

    // Video content positioning relative to container (%)

    videoLeftPercent: 0,
    videoTopPercent: 0,
    videoWidthPercent: 100,
    videoHeightPercent: 100


pluginInitFunction : function

Plugin initialization function (second argument of registerPlugin).

Param Type Description
ctx object Contains a reference to the player instance and other goodies.
[options] object An optional configuration object for the plugin initialization.


function myPlugin(ctx, options) {
    options = options || {};

    if (options.exposeOnInstance) {
        ctx.player.myPlugin = {
            doSomething: function() {
            dispose: function() {
                delete ctx.player.myPlugin;
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