Add Player Options Manually

For projects that were created before eko-cli 2.4.0 was released, you need to follow the following steps first, in order to be able to override playerOptions.

1. Push code from Eko Studio’s code panel and then pull

This only needs to be done once after eko-cli 2.4.0 was released. Pushing from Eko Studio updates the _eko_ folder in git. After the push, pull the project in order to have the update to eko on your machine.

2. Manually create the ./src/config/playerOptions.json folder and file

Since this is a new file, don’t forget to commit it also to git.

3. From your ./src/js/app.js file, also export a playerOptions object. So your app.js may look like this:

import playerOptions from '../config/playerOptions.json';

export default {
    onLoad: function() { ... },

    onInit: function(player) { ... },

    // Must export the playerOptions object
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